Note: Driving to work Sunday, 03-15-2009, @5:00 a.m., I asked the Lord to reveal to me what
the relationship is in my life to the `keys` of Peter. The following is what the Holy Spirit directed
me to write.
Message: Understanding The Key's Given to Peter
by: Betty C. Clark
Sunday, March 15th, 2009
Introduction :
Peter's Confession of Christ, Matt. 16:16 . . .
. . . Matt. 16:19 ()
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven ; whatever you
bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose
on earth will be loosed in heaven.
For the reader not familiar with the step-by-step life and times
of Peter, outlined within scriptures, I will provide the following
points :
POINT #1 :
Peter's confession of Christ, the Son of the living God, Matt. 16:16,
starts the foundation principles of why Christ gave Peter key's.
POINT #2 :
The key's were instrumental in binding and loosing ( releasing )
spiritual healing.
POINT #3 :
As you continue to read about Peter, who disowned Christ, 3 times,
before the crucifixion, this action of Peter's denial of Christ was
bound on earth, was bound in heaven, due to Peter's actions.
POINT #4 :
Next we will review the last earth miracle of the 153 fishes, performed
by Christ, per John 21st chapter. Peter was reinstated 3 times by
Christ, in this confirming phrase that Peter, " loved Christ more
than these, ~Feed my lambs~ " :
Why 3 confirmations ?
Christ key action of loosing on earth, to loose in heaven, Peter's
original 3 denials. `The Key` was speaking out, releasement. We
know this is true, due to Peter, in John 21:17, stating . . .
" Lord, you know all things : you know that I love you. "
The love was known, `the Key's` to releasement, were a lesson to
speak out.
Christ did know all things.
Christ was demonstrating the binding and loosing on earth and
heaven, `key's` to Peter.
For each of the 3 denials, Christ required Peter to speak out (call-out),
' I love you, Christ '.
And 3 times Christ confirmed Peter's duties to care for the sheep.
KEY #1 :
The key to binding on earth, to bind in heaven, reveals the sin/flesh
man of Peter, at his denial of Christ.
Christ was teaching `the key's` to Peter, prior to His ascension.
Peter's 3 denial actions, needed releasement. After the ascension,
Peter's shadow could heal the sick.
2 Peter 2:16
As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them
on beds and mats so that Peter's shadow might fall on some of
them as he passed by . . .
Peter tells the reader in 2 Peter 2:19 . . .
. . . for a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him.
Are Christians not the servants for Christ ?
Are Christians allowing Christ to be their master ?
Peter understood the great sacrifice he would need to make.
The Christ prophecy of Peter's death is written in, . . .
John 21:19 . . .
Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter
would glorify God. Then he said to him, " Follow Me ! "
`The Key's` of the kingdom of heaven, are teaching Christian's
the principles of binding and releasement, when we commit
These same keys are sanctification preparation, for why Peter's
shadow cast healing to the sheep.
Living an anointed life under the blood of Christ, is not just
about Peter's shadow.
Let us review the area's of our lives, that are bound and
` Follow Christ ` in His teachings, of the key's given to Peter.
Our releasement awaits.
Added this excerpt : April 13th, 2009
Now, stop here for a moment and grasp what that means to you and I in our Christian walk on a daily basis. If we are not not "bound" (covenanted) to Christ, we will not have (CAN NOT have) authority over the flesh or the enemy, and it doesn't matter how much we scream and holler at the enemy to "get out" or "be gone" or "shut- up", if we're not "bound" (covenanted) to Christ we're just wasting our time. We're talking about a precept that is more than just words. The power of "binding and loosing" is not in the speaking of words alone, but they are the imparted authority we receive by being "bound" (covenanted) to Christ.
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